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eBay Fraud Alert...Beware!

Fellow members,

This method may already be known to you but I want to share it with you just in case...I have copied and pasted two emails below from a person who I determined later was not the real seller...

"Hello and all the best!
I saw that you have bidded on 1880 Proof Trade Dollar NGC PF 66 Color! recently. I want to inform you that I have one I am willing to sell this for 7000US$ shipping and handling fees included).I am a registered and serious member on eBay.Please check my feedback. Please excuse me if I have bothered you with this message and also please accept all my best.
Kind Regards

Question from: stuffitystuff
Title of item: 1880 Proof Trade Dollar NGC PF 66 Color!
Seller: uofa1285
Starts: Dec-31-03 15:00:00 PST
Ends: Jan-10-04 15:00:00 PST
Price: Currently $7,101.00
To view the item, go to: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2214531592

Visit eBay, The World's Online Marketplace TM at http://www.ebay.com

<back to UFOA1285 now> Forum members...notice how they have ME as the seller? I am not, of course - I am a current underbidder. I did not notice this mistake until after I talked to the REAL seller on the phone today. Finally, here is an email response I received after I initally accepted the fake seller's above offer via email...

" For payment we can use MoneyGram .

Doug Beaver <Doug.Beaver@4cornersonline.com> wrote:
I guess I never did answer your question...if you will allow me a modest examination period of 24 hours (once signed for), then I will accept your offer to buy for $7,000. I too am a serious high level toning buyer and will not return it unless the photos are (accidentally) less favorably representative than they appear in your auction.

Thanks and let me know. I can overnight you a cashier's check.


-----Original Message-----
From: stuffitystuff2000@yahoo.co.uk
To: Coins
Sent: 1/4/04 2:39 PM
Subject: Question for seller -- Item #2214531592

Hello and all the best!
I saw that you have bidded on 1880 Proof Trade Dollar NGC PF 66 Color!
recently. I want to inform you that I have one I am willing to sell this
for 7000US$ shipping and handling fees included).I am a registered and
serious member on eBay.Please check my feedback. Please excuse me if I
have bothered you with this message and also please accept all my best.
Kind Regards

Question from: stuffitystuff
Title of item: 1880 Proof Trade Dollar NGC PF 66 Color!
Seller: uofa1285
Starts: Dec-31-03 15:00:00 PST
Ends: Jan-10-04 15:00:00 PST
Price: Currently $7,101.00
To view the item, go to:

Visit eBay, The World's Online Marketplace TM at

Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download Messenger Now

<back to UOFA1285 now> - I have of course notified the real seller and eBay safeharbor at SPOOF@EBAY.COM. But I wanted to share this with you all right away. Be careful out there!

Visit my eBay Store to see my (mostly) overpriced Rainbow Toned PCGS/NGC coins! IshopCoinShows4You


  • Options
    jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178
    looks like the scammers are needing money to pay off the credit card bills from Christmas.
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    dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,692 ✭✭✭
    there's some nutty 1's like that, that come from a guy claiming to be in sicily

    K S
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    I just love the use of the pseudo word 'bidded'!
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    RussRuss Posts: 48,515 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I am a registered and serious member on eBay.Please check my feedback. >>

    296 positives. 271 are from unique users.

    7 neutrals. 4 were converted from users no longer registered .

    9 negatives. 8 are from unique users.

    This one has been registered since Jul 19, 1998. I wonder if this is a hacked account?

    Russ, NCNE
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    1jester1jester Posts: 8,638 ✭✭✭
    There are several examples of incorrect grammar usage. My guess is it's (yet) another scammer from overseas. Beware!!!


    "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." -Luke 11:9

    "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." -Deut. 6:4-5

    "For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us." -Isaiah 33:22
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    BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,321 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would guess hacked account.
    There is a board member here who was NARU'ed a few weeks ago.....hacked account...they didn't know until I asked what had made them NARU ( was watching their items to snipe and then they just went NARU).
    A few other things have happened to others that I watch and that have been "honest" sellers for a few years....hacked accounts.

    A lot of the scammers don't create scam ebay accounts...they hack real accounts to use the goodwill the seller has generated. Saw the same thing in a newspaper "expose" a couple of months ago. People doing that should be SHOT.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

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    OgdenOgden Posts: 435
    Ebay has become a source of fraud, fraud and more fraud. It's almost impossible to bid anymore. Is this the beginning of the end of Ebay??????? If so, it sure would be a shame, because for awhile it was a great and fun place to be. But the risk certainly has dampered any possible reward. With so much picture swapping and outright fraud where do you draw the line? I'm finished with ebay for anything over $20.00. Sorry to say!!


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