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Should I trade in "Generic" gold for key dates?

WondoWondo Posts: 2,916 ✭✭✭
With gold rising, does it make any sense to consolidate my common dates into tougher key dates? When gold drops back in a year or two, I could conceivably pick those up again.

What say ye? image


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    what makes you think gold is going to drop?

    accumulate... don't sell ...don't trade.
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    RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have been unwinding my gold bullion position and generic gold into the strength. No need to make it an all-or-nothing proposition.
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    CalGoldCalGold Posts: 2,609 ✭✭
    You need to ask yourself why do you own gold coins. If you own them as a gold (bullion) play then buying key dates makes no sense since that is a numismatic play. If you own them as type coins, then buying rare gold may make sense, since that would be a way of preserving some of the value of your generic gold when the price declines (assuming that your prediction is correct). But you would have to buy rare coins that are less likely see their value affected by swings in gold prices. For example, the price of a $20,000 proof half eagle is not likely to move much if at all based on volitility in bullion prices, since almost all of the market price is numismatic; but the price of a "better date" coin that sells at a small premium over a generic coin would still be affected in large measure by a change in the price of gold.

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    jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,631 ✭✭✭✭✭
    dont ask me, i d be bias:.........
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    I've been working on my gold type set the past year. One thing I love about gold is that you can pick up many better dates in any series for the same price or a small increment over the common dates. I don't know if these coins will gain any additional numismatic value, but it's certainly more interesting to me to have a set of coins with mintages under 200,000 that I picked up for not much over the common date price.
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    WondoWondo Posts: 2,916 ✭✭✭
    My thinking was to perhaps trade some higher mintage Liberty $20's for a scarce or high grade piece or two to fill the tough holes in my date/mintmark set (which I should finish by 2069 when I get my annual 2.3% raise.) image

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