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Little help from Jefferson collectors please

Other than the Kool-Aid proofs, I'm not really much of a Jeff guy.

I recntly got one back from ANACs that came back as MS64 5 steps, it's a 57-D.

Trying to find a value on this thing is tough. I submitted it hoping for 6 steps and there are 6 but one is obviously not perfect enough.

The price on a 6 stepper like this is in the $300 range, I can't find anything for a 5 stepper and as a mere MS64 it's worth less than the grading and the slab cost me.

Is there a place to look for a value on 5 steps? Is it worth next to nothing? The jump on this from nothing to around $300 over the one step not being perfect doesn't seem right to me.

Then again, I'm not a Jeff guy as I've said before. Any help would be appreciated. TIA

"Lenin is certainly right. There is no subtler or more severe means of overturning the existing basis of society(destroy capitalism) than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."
John Marnard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 235ff


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    The fact that your coin has 5 steps vs. 6 steps really does not effect value that much. There are some that will pay a premium for 6 step coins, especially rare dates in 6 steps but generally you will get nearly as much witha 5 step coin. now a 64FS is probably worth more than the slabbing fee although I am not sure how much. It has a population of 13 in 64FS at PCGS with 53 graded higher. You can check Ebay for similar populations coin and see what they sold for and that should give you a good indication.


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    sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    your ANACS 5 step is a PCGS FS

    the problem in finding value is that it is a 64 - not much market for those

    not that they are common, but hard to get your slabbing costs back from that one
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    OK, an eBay search turned up little, very little. Only similar coins ranging from $11 to $99. I'm still in the dark, but maybe not quite so dark as it was a few hours ago.

    Any other Jeff guys with any ideas? Thanks.
    "Lenin is certainly right. There is no subtler or more severe means of overturning the existing basis of society(destroy capitalism) than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."
    John Marnard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 235ff
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    << <i>your ANACS 5 step is a PCGS FS

    the problem in finding value is that it is a 64 - not much market for those

    not that they are common, but hard to get your slabbing costs back from that one >>

    Yes, if it were a 65, I can see a big difference. Ah well, win a few, lose a few. It will make a nice donation for a YN auction.

    I did get back a couple of raw Morgan toners I got from Russ and they came back from NGC at very nice grades.

    I also got back a 35-D merc in 65 FSB from ANACS as well. That one set me back a whole $1.50 raw on eBay, plus grading fees, sold it for $105 today.

    Win some, lose some. Just got to try to keep it on the up side in the grand scheme of things. image
    "Lenin is certainly right. There is no subtler or more severe means of overturning the existing basis of society(destroy capitalism) than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."
    John Marnard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 235ff

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