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1-5-04 finds

Its about time i hit on something 5 days and nothing started to scare me .

1940 nickel
2 canadian cents
and a $10 1963A series AA block

post your finds this week
Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3


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    fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    The bank actually had 3 rolls of halves. I got a beat up 40% and 59 spenders.

    Darned near got run over in the bank parking lot, so I'm not sure the 37 cents profit was worth it.......

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    nankrautnankraut Posts: 4,565 ✭✭✭
    Last week, my wife was taking a walk around the neighborhood and found a 1946-P Walker on the sidewalk, about VF or so, with no scratches, etc. I figure some kid probably swiped it from a dresser & panicked?? Anyway, she likes it a lot better than the Kennedy half (sorry Russ)
    I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.
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    mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    Canadian cents, the scourge of business everywhere (at least in the US). Not too long ago a cashier gave me 4 canadian cents in change at once. I think she was trying to clear them out of the till.
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    1950C $10
    1963 $5
    half roll of bu 40% silver halfs in 15rolls
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    Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    I went to the bank yesterday and picked up some cent rolls.
    Funny when I opened them all looking for the usual coppers I
    found that 95% were `60s -`80s Lincolns. That was strange.
    Its normally more Zincolns than anything so this tripped me out
    that they were practically all copper cents.
    No wheaties though. One `59 D.
    The one coin I thought was `worth hanging on to` was one of those
    funny counterstamp Lincolns with the little Kennedy head facing Lincoln.
    It was one that was glued onto a card with the `strange coincidental parrallels between the two presidents`
    I believe since it had a glob of something on the reverse.
    It came off no prob with acetone.

    Neat novelty coin if nothing else.
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    You know those copper tokens you get in a mint set that has a P or a D on it or whatever? Well they're the same size as a penny and I got one in a roll of pennies.

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