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E-bay lowers insertion prices

Just got a notice that e-bay is lowering insertion rates, especially on lower price items.


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    ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,199 ✭✭✭✭✭
    go and reread it...they are going up not down....
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
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    I sell books. The old rate for $10.00-$24.99 was 55 cents. Now it's 35 cents. The next plateau is lower too. I don't know what the upper prices are because I don't use them. And I know the reserve prices are about the same. So for me, it's good. Maybe for other people, it's not. JMHO Steve
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    Looks like there is a new tier now. So your new insertion fee would be $0.60 up from $0.55.
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    you're right. My notice says what I had stated, but after rereading, I have to go across and down one line to get the price, not straight across. I was happy for a minute.. What about Turbo Lister. Is that 10 cents every time you list something for the 1st time? Steve

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