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Ebay raises prices.....

ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,199 ✭✭✭✭✭
Considering how much money the company makes and considering that it is all done by computer...this is really going to hurt a lot of sellers....check out the new fees, Jon

We are writing to inform you that today eBay is announcing that eBay.com and eBay Motors will be making changes to the fee structure effective February 2, 2004. Items that are scheduled to begin on eBay.com or eBay Motors after midnight on February 1, 2004 will be charged based on the new fees.

Some fees will be increasing, others will be decreasing, and the tiers for some fee structures will be changing. In addition to the specific fee changes described below, eBay will be making the following enhancements in response to seller feedback on these important issues:

Non-Paying Bidder Re-list Credit - Currently, an item listed on eBay.com or eBay Motors that is won, but not paid for by the buyer, is not eligible for an insertion fee credit when the seller re-lists the item and it sells. As of February 2, 2004, qualifying NPB items will be eligible for the standard re-list credit. (Get more details.)

Second Chance Offer if Reserve Not Met - Currently, a reserve price item that ends without the reserve price being met is not eligible for a Second Chance Offer. Beginning in mid-March, sellers will be able to make a Second Chance Offer to under-bidders on items that do not meet the reserve. In addition, the reserve fee will be refunded if the Second Chance Offer is accepted. (For updates on the launch of this enhancement, please check the Announcement board. Read Second Chance Offer in Help to learn more about the current feature.)

Effective February 2, 2004, the following fee changes will be made to eBay.com and eBay Motors in the U.S.:

Insertion Fees:
eBay.com and eBay Motors Parts & Accessories Item Starting Price
$0.01 - $9.99
$10.00 - $24.99
$25.00 - $49.99
$50.00 - $199.99
$200.00 and up

Item Starting Price
$0.01 - $0.99
$1.00 - $9.99
$10.00 - $24.99
$25.00 - $49.99
$50.00 - $199.99
$200.00 - $499.99
$500 and up Current Fee

Fee as of February 2, 2004

Reserve Price Fees:
eBay.com and eBay Motors Parts & Accessories Reserve Price
$0.01 - $24.99
$25.00 - $99.99
$100 and up

Reserve Price
$0.01 - $49.99
$50.00 - $199.99
$200 and up
Current Fee
1% of reserve price (with a maximum of $100.00)

Fee as of February 2, 2004
1% of reserve price (with a maximum of $100.00)

Store Inventory Insertion Fees: Duration
30 days
60 days
90 days
120 days
(*Good 'Til Cancelled) Current Fee
$0.05 plus .05 surcharge
$0.05 plus .10 surcharge
$0.05 plus .15 surcharge
$0.05 plus $.05 per 30 days Fee as of February 2, 2004
$0.02 plus .02 surcharge
$0.02 plus .04 surcharge
$0.02 plus .06 surcharge
$0.02 plus .02 per 30 days

Home Page Featured Fee:
eBay.com Current Fee
$99.95 for single item
$199.95 for multiple items
Fee Effective January 31, 2004
$39.95 for single item
$79.95 for multiple items

(*This is special promotional pricing that will become the standard pricing for this feature as of the completion of the current promotion January 31, 2004.)

10-Day Listing Fee:
eBay.com and eBay Motors Parts & Accessories Current Fee
Fee as of February 2, 2004

Seller's Assistant Pro Subscription Fee: Current Fee
$15.99 / Month
Fee as of February 2, 2004
$24.99 / Month

Listing Designer Fee within Turbo Lister: Current Fee
*Fee as of April 12, 2004

(*Please see more details)

Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com


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