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PCGS grades are up :( SOB

sadysta1sadysta1 Posts: 1,307 ✭✭✭
I was really hoping that coin #2 is a proof. A couple of guys who saw it in Baltimore can confirm it's a monster strike coin unlike any other, and the grade is to low too. I'll be back home around the 15th and I'll post the pics and you can be the judge. this is a regular submission.

1 60151383 1878-CC 50C USA AG03 image
2 60151384 1829 10C Small 10C USA MS62 image

Date Received: 12/08/2003
Date Shipped: 01/05/2004


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    << <i>A couple of guys who saw it in Baltimore can confirm it's a monster strike coin unlike any other, and the grade is to low too. >>

    So what? The coin is what it is irrespective of their opinion. Do the letters EN GEE SEE mean anything to you?
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    I saw the coin in question, and it is much better than MS62!!!!Kinda funny that there are some guys on here like the 4 stooges that shoot off their big mouths and then dissappear!!!!...Ken
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    << <i>Kinda funny that there are some guys on here like the 4 stooges that shoot off their big mouths and then dissappear!!!!...Ken >>

    I'm right here motor mouth. Seems you agree with me though!
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    MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Regular as in 15 business day submission??? Maybe I'll see my economy submission around Easter!!!
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

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