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I found an 1796 half cent in 1798.....

Dennis88Dennis88 Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭
Strange Title? When you've readed this post it don't look strange anylonger.........

We go back to 1798, the early days of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.........

I'm a 14 year old boy, born in 1784. My father and mother came here a long time ago, and I've never been out of New York. When I was young, I heard my parents talking about a new decimal coin system. Never understood it, till 1797, when my father showed me some nice coins he borrowed from a friend of him.

From that time, I always looked at the ground, for money people lost. I was never lucky, and the only thing I found was an old foreign coin, so worn that you can't recognise it.

But in 1798, I had my day. There, in that corner, is money. I pick it up, and put it in my pocket, afraid of thiefs.

When I come home, My father is at work and my mother is to the market, I look at it. I got some glance when I see that there is the inscription "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", I finally found a real US coin. Uppon closer inspection, it seem to be an half cent, dated 1796, quite new, and to my surprise it look like new too.

Offcourse, as everyone would do at that time, I want to spend it. I hear you people thinking "keep it, it will be worth thousands in only 200 years!!!" But, I don't live anylonger then, so I spend it.

Now is my question, What can I buy for an half cent in 1798?



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