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Want to hear something really disappointing?

USMC_6115USMC_6115 Posts: 2,981 ✭✭✭✭✭
So I order two 1972 Type II IKEs from a small dealer in Paradise, CA. They come in the mail today, and I do my routine check of the earth on the back. Guess what I find? He sent me two Type 1 IKEs!!! I figure it must be an oversight, so I call him. He basically gets BS and tells me I don't know what I'm talking about. I try and try to explain to him what a Type II is SUPPOSED to look like, and he won't listen. He said he "doesn't care what books I have, they're wrong!" Finally, he says that if I don't like the coins, I can return them. He still has the wrong impression of what a Type II is so if anyone orders Type II IKEs from him, they're getting Type I IKEs. How do you get the point across to a dealer like this?


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    itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    I would supply the link to Supercoins sight, reference the Ike book (forget the author) and ask what reference he is using.
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
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    It sounds to me that he was trying to pass you some type I's as type II's. Send the coins back and chalk it up to experience.
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    1957joe1957joe Posts: 608 ✭✭
    Just let him go. Somebody that stupid hopefully won't be in busuness long! You can't teach idiots!!!!
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    TrooperTrooper Posts: 1,450
    The link to Supercoins might solve the problem, but then again he just just might be trying to pull a fast one. You never know.
    Good thing about the return policy. I hope he doesn't give you the these aren't the coins I sent you bit.
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    USMC_6115USMC_6115 Posts: 2,981 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Okay, I printed out a copy of the coins from Tad's Website and I'm enclosing it with the coins with detailed descriptions of each. This had to have been a scam, no dealer would be this ignorant not to know the difference. Maybe I should buy some Type I IKEs from him for two dollars a piece, and he'll send me Type II IKEsimage

    If he attempts to pull "these are not the coins I sent you" I'll just do a charge back on him. The coins are still in the same cardboard flips with his writing on them. Good thing this wasn't an Ebay deal, there would be negatives flying all over the placeimage

    Even the 2004 Redbook says the Type II has NO islands! What's wrong with this bonehead?
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    nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,387 ✭✭✭
    Hopefully you'll get your money back. He may decide to keep the coins and the money.
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    can anyone give me URL or link to the site you are speaking of --- appreciation.

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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Send them back Registered-Insured mail or Insured with delivery confirmation-ANY WAY you can PROVE he received them and if he tries to pull a fast one take all your proof to your local DA who will in turn contact that county's DA (theoretically-as it's not a high profile case) and ascertain that your DA DOES by requesting a copy of his investigation!(Stay on the DA's butt by continually following up until YOU become a pain in the neck to HIM) Then there is the FTC, The FBI IFCC and the US Mail-for mail fraud! This is the sort of stuff that sometimes makes a person hate this hobby! If we're not talking about a lot of money, all this may be more trouble than it's worth and THAT is what this slimeball is counting on! Good Luck!
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    RussRuss Posts: 48,515 ✭✭✭

    << <i>This had to have been a scam, no dealer would be this ignorant not to know the difference. >>

    Not necessarily a scam. There are plenty of dealers who can't correctly identify various varieties. Sometimes they're just stubborn and don't want to admit it.

    Russ, NCNE
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    USMC_6115USMC_6115 Posts: 2,981 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That could be very true, but this jerk wouldn't even listen to me. Also, he has to be getting other complaints from people...
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    USMC_6115USMC_6115 Posts: 2,981 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That could be very true, but this jerk wouldn't even listen to me. Also, he has to be getting other complaints from people...
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    Okay, I printed out a copy of the coins from Tad's Website and I'm enclosing it with the coins...

    Damn, my e-mail isn't on there, is it? image

    Neptune, here:

    1972 Ike Types - History and Attribution

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