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Want list Full Step Jefferson Nickels

To all my Collector friend’s & Dealers 1-4-2003

The following is my current want list. I want to turn your trash to cash. I am building my Full Step Jefferson Registry set. I’m NOT looking for POP TOP”S. I am only interested in filling the holes. I thank all of you in advance. Pay Pal , Postal MO, Personal checks, whatever you prefer.
Mike Stewart


Full step Jefferson’s. MS63 Full Step and above.

1- 1968-D 11- 1976 21- 1985-P 31- 2000-P
2- 1968-S 12- Bought 22- 1985-D 32- 2000-D
3- 1969-D 13- 1977 23- 1989-D 33- Bought
4- 1969-S 14- 1978 24- 1991-P
5- 1970-D 15- 1979 25- 1992-P
6- Bought 16- 1981-P 26- Bought
7- Bought 17- 1982-P 27- 1997-P
8- Bought 18- 1982-D 28- 1997-D
9- 1974 19- 1983-P 29- 1998-P
10-1975 20- 1983-D 30- 1998-D

Since I know that PCGS will not at this time give a FS to 1965-1966-1967 Nickels I am looking to find in MS64 or better for these 3 dates. (not sms)

Thanks for all your help.

Mike Stewart
27692 Milano Way
Mission Viejo, Calif. 92692
Tele- 1-949-348-6975
Email- thestewarthouse@cox.net

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