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Resubmission record?

Has anyone here resubmitted a coin an absurd number of times before it finally got the grade that you thought or hoped it would get? How many times did it take and over what period of time did you do it? What coin was it and what grade did it finally get? Is this generally frowned upon as somewhat unethical, or is it considered just part of the game?


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    itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    I am on my second resubmission of an Ike Dollar. THis is the only coin I've sent back twice. I bought it already slabbed MS64. I felt it looked as good as several of my MS66s. First time it came back 65. I'm trying a second and only second.
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    MetaMeta Posts: 62 ✭✭
    I guess only one person resubmits. image
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    Since I bought most of my slabs on eBay I think most would be downgraded if I resubmitted them. I sure don't understand how some of them got the grade on the slab or what fancy lighting the graders use to see some of these as CAMs and DCAMs.
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    MJPHELANMJPHELAN Posts: 764 ✭✭✭
    I bought a terrific 1970-S 5 step jefferson MS-65 (Anacs). It is really a 6 step coin. I cracked it out and it came back MS-66 but without the FS designation. I recracked it, and now it is PCGS MS-65 FS. I think I will stop there.

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    darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
    I did a coin four times once but did noy get the gradeimage. I have a coin 2-3 and got the grade a few timesimage. mike
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    I've sent in about a half dozen 1950's Lincoln proofs. One time for grading and three resubmissions each. They all came back with different grades and designations, one with 4 different grades. They now all reside in nice white NGC holders at what I'd consider accurate grades. It only took one NGC submission to get it right.


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