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Cent rolls from the bank


Have any of you bought cent rolls from the bank and found anything good in it.
Dale Moore III image


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    2 Cent Euro from Italy
    Cent with a 15% obverse cud
    various canadian cents
    various wheat cents including a 1912 in vg
    some s mint memorial cents
    lots of extras of each 1960 lincoln cent variety
    Formely known as kamehameha00
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    TrooperTrooper Posts: 1,450
    Yes I have,
    I bought a "brick"($50) of lincolns once. Went through them all. I think I had 2 Indians about 20 wheaties and a plastic penny that had the word copy stamped in it.
    Was it worth it? Well it was a nice way to kill an afternoon but it was pretty heavy to carry back and forth. No I didn't return the coins to the same bank. Haven't done it again so that should tell ya something.

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    I found a nice 1995 doubled die in one. Found another in a $50 mint sewn bag. The bag find suprised me . I thought there would either be a at least a handful or none.
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    mozeppamozeppa Posts: 4,431 ✭✭✭
    I found a 1971 DDO-001 ...sent it to pcgs ...au58
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    I found 2 1955 double dies plus every lincoln except the 09svdb and the 31s. Multiples of most of the scarse ones. Oh, no 22 plain. Forgot to mention that this was when I had a paper route back in the fifties and went to the bank on Fridays and got a bag. I sold the 55dd for $10.00 each.
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    anoldgoatanoldgoat Posts: 1,493 ✭✭✭
    Bought a few rolls last week. Found a 1970-S DDO, first one I've seen.
    Alright! Who removed the cork from my lunch?

    W.C. Fields

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