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Lincoln Error Hunters: Goal(s) for 2004???

What do you hope to find(buy) this year??? Here's my want list:

1. 1958 DDO: Fat chance but I can dream
2. 1969s DDO: Any speciman for less than 2k....edited for content!!
3: 1917 DDO in AU or better
4. 1941 DDO in MS65+
5. 1936 DDO all varieties in MS63 or better
6. 1992d Close AM......I just want to know who owns the 4 I can't account for.....image



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    A 98/99/00 far am lincoln cent in a roll/change
    Formely known as kamehameha00
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    ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 7,939 ✭✭✭✭
    I'll 2nd that!!
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    RampageRampage Posts: 9,427 ✭✭✭✭
    When did those other 4 1992-D Close AM show up? Are the NGC coins or what?
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    To me a dream goal but attainable would be a 1990 no-s
    I would also like a 1995-d fs-041
    I am also trying to get some 1960 proof fs-023 into pcgs holders now that they attribute the tdo.
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    ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 7,939 ✭✭✭✭

    I have been told 6 exist.....I only know of 2, maybe 3. I can only vouch for 2.image
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    bigtonydallasbigtonydallas Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭
    My goal is to find every variety and error I can identify and have fun doing so!
    Big Tony from Texas! Cherrypicking fool!!!!!!
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    nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,387 ✭✭✭
    All of them, but I'm only willing to cherry pick varieties and errors right now. I don't want to buy them already "found." I saw a bunch this weekend at the local show but didn't buy a one. Just wanted to have the thrill of finding them myself. image
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    mozeppamozeppa Posts: 4,431 ✭✭✭

    << <i>What do you hope to find(buy) this year??? Here's my want list:

    1. 1958 DDO: Fat chance but I can dream
    2. 1969s DDO: Any speciman for less than 2k....edited for content!!
    3: 1917 DDO in AU or better
    4. 1941 DDO in MS65+
    5. 1936 DDO all varieties in MS63 or better
    6. 1992d Close AM......I just want to know who owns the 4 I can't account for.....image

    Chris >>

    i would like a 92-D close AM please...
    and a 69-S DDO

    the 58 DDO is in line between "impossible and "a snowballs chance in hell"

    the other....well .... image I GOT EM ! image

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