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Questions from FUN Show rookie...

RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
I will be attending my first FUN show Wed-Thursday and am very excited about it. I do have a few newbie questions which I expect the veterans here could answer.

1. Are jeans/khakis appropriate attire for the auction (as well as the bourse)?
2. How long does it take to register for the auction?
3. Will it be difficult to get to see the lots on Wednesday?
4. Once the bourse opens on Thursday, is it slow to get in? Will I have to register?
5. Are personal checks generally accepted (with dealer references)?
6. I was thinking about getting the floor plan and mapping out the dealers that I definitely want to visit. Is this too compulsive? Will I get to "see it all" in one day?

Thanks in advance for your wisdom.



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    mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,538 ✭✭✭
    I can answer the first two. #1, Jeans are fine. #2 It doesn't take very long to actually register for the auction. Personal checks are usually okay with dealer references.
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    #2 not long . fill out a form , get a number and catalog

    #3 depends how many others are looking . there are long tables with chairs . sometimes chairs are available and you sit and ask by lot numbers . other times all seats are taken , and you may have to wait your turn.

    #5 many dealers accept checks with ID , some may not

    #6 you get a floor plan when you register to enter show . with somewhere near 400 tables , pretty much no one gets to look at all tables in four days . at one hour per table , you can view about 8-9 tables per day , times four days is about 32-40 for the week .

    www.funtopics.com is web site for the show . find the dealer directory there for a jump start on mapping your journey
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    Jeans are fine.
    About 10-15 minutes to register.
    It probably will be crowded but you should have no problem seeing lots.
    You must register - takes about five/ten minutes
    If you have references from major dealers you shouldn't have a problem writing checks.
    Whrn you get there, you will get a directory of dealers so take a few minutes and mark who you want to see. You can see everything in a day if you rush. Start with the more important dealers you want to see and work you're way down.
    If you need any help I'll be there from Wed. afternoon - just track me down if you need any help.

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    coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,485

    << <i>Are jeans/khakis appropriate attire for the auction (as well as the bourse)? >>

    Yes, Robert... as long as you bring a tie and jacket to wear, if you are at our table. image

    << <i>How long does it take to register for the auction? >>

    If there is not a backup, it should take literally about 2 minutes to fill out the registration form.

    << <i>Will it be difficult to get to see the lots on Wednesday? >>

    That is a question with no easy / certain answer - there is often, though not always a wait. If you are able to get there first thing, your chances of immediate seating are obviously improved significantly!

    << <i>Once the bourse opens on Thursday, is it slow to get in? Will I have to register? >>

    You should be able to get in quite quickly. Sorry, I am not positive, but I believe you will have to register and there might be a line to do so.

    << <i>Are personal checks generally accepted (with dealer references)? >>

    Generally? Yes. Always? No. It depends on the selling dealer, as well as how good and quickly verifiable your references are.

    << <i>I was thinking about getting the floor plan and mapping out the dealers that I definitely want to visit. Is this too compulsive? Will I get to "see it all" in one day? >>

    It doesn't sound "too compulsive" to me. But then, I'm compulsive.image Actually, it can be a good way to make your visit more efficient. You may or may not see it all in one day. It depends upon how quickly you look and move, as well as how many tables you are apt to skip, due to your particular focus, likes, dislikes, etc.

    Enjoy and try to take it slowly and calmly - it can be a bit overwhelming, initially! Take a deep breath..... relax..........run!image
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    rainbowroosierainbowroosie Posts: 4,874 ✭✭✭✭
    Wear shorts, it will be 72-74 degrees in Orlando.
    "You keep your 1804 dollar and 1822 half eagle -- give me rainbow roosies in MS68."
    rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
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    airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,018 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Wear shorts, it will be 72-74 degrees in Orlando. >>

    The come to NJ... gonna be 22 this week! Woohoo! image
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    You'll be LUCKY if it's that cool... it should be closer to the 80s, or will certainly feel like it with the humidity...
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    RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you one and all for your help.

    One follow-up question:
    Should I bring my auction catalogs from home or will there be plenty on the premises to use? (The catalogs are like phone books!)
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    I also have a follow up question since it will be my first trip. Is it worth getting the early bird pass and if so how much is it for the extra hour and a half?
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    RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ditto on the early bird pass query. How do you get one?

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    besides the hour per day , i think early bird lets you in on dealer day ? seems like the price is $75 and you may even have to be a FUN member at an additional $15 . maybe someone else can confirm
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    RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    with somewhere near 400 tables , pretty much no one gets to look at all tables in four days . at one hour per table , you can view about 8-9 tables per day

    Maybe I am doing this coin show thing wrong...I can usually cover about 40 tables/hour...which assumes that I warp speed past 90%.

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