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What was hot at Frederick, Maryland Coin Show

The Frederick Show had a lot of activity! From what I sold, saw and found out talking to dealers, BU Morgan dollars, especially CCs, gold $10 & $20s, Franklin halves and earlier type coins were on fire! Many circulated 1937 D 3 legged buffalo nickels changed hands and one changed hands 3 times. Surprisingly, many people were looking for them.
It was nice to meet Wayne Herndon. He has a fantastic family and I really enjoyed them attending the show.
It was nice to see many forum members. At the June show, I will have a table for Forum Members to meet and greet. Skipper is in charge of it. image I've been thinking about having a "pot luck" style luncheon and would welcome suggestions from those who plan on attending the show.
Thanks to everybody who made the show a success!
Fall National Battlefield Coin Show is September 5-7, 2024 at the Eisenhower Hotel in Gettysburg, PA. Thanksgiving Battlefield Coin Show is November 29-30, 2024. WWW.AmericasCoinShows.com


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