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1902-S VAM assistance

jmcu12jmcu12 Posts: 2,452 ✭✭✭
I recently purchased this 1902-S and I am trying to attribute it. In looking at the $ encyclopedia by Van Allen & Mallis I notice the following in my coin:

1. The obverse shows a closed 9 as seen in VAM 1.
2. The reverse shows an extra olive as seen in VAMs 3, 5, 6, 7, & 8.

What I am confused about is I do NOT see a combination of the Double Olive VAMs AND a closed 9 (vam1). Further, there is no doubling anywhere on the obverse, as is required for VAMs 3, 5, 6, 7, & 8.

Are there any vams attributed that would match my specimen but that are not listed in the book? If so, what is the number?

Here are some pics to look at. I am working on getting close-ups but have not been able.

***Lastly, I would like to entertain guesses as to what grade you all believe that this coin received by NGC***

Thanks for the input!
Awarded latest "YOU SUCK!": June 11, 2014


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