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What's with the Broken Wing on FE cents?

Hi all!
Is the broken wing on Flying eagle cents a late stage die? The pic is one on a 1857.
I also heard on a '58 it's the telltale sign of a 8/7 variety.





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    Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    The detail in the die is very shallow at that point and if the die is overpolished, say to remove clashmarks, it lowers the fields enough to remove the details and leave that last feather floating out there alone. Same thing that created the 37-D three legged buffalo, just a polished die.
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    goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    It is one of the indicators of an 8/7 but just because it has that does not mean the coin is indeed an 8/7 if I recall what Snow's book says.

    It is also found on the 1857's and I believe some of the '57's with the broken tip are doubled die obverses such as one I own.

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