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1892 Columbus commerative tale

On New Years day I had shown my mother in law the 1892 commerative I had gotten recently. She said it looked familiar, she had seen one before somewhere. Well, she just got off the phone with my wife and said that she remembered them because her father used to collect coins and she has a roll of them, maybe more as she has never really bothered to go through his boxes of coins that have lived in the attic for the last 50 years. She went up and found the roll and is now after me to go up in the next couple weeks and go through the collection and take whatever we want to be sure it has a good home.image I'll have to take the sheets and offer a fair price but doubt she'll take it, she just wants it to have a good home where it will be cared for.
Scott M

Everything is linear if plotted log-log with a fat magic marker


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    XpipedreamRXpipedreamR Posts: 8,059 ✭✭
    Oh how terrible, you poor thing!

    You know, I provide a verygood home to all my coinsimage
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    darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
    Don't get too excited about finding a gem BU roll as these coin's circulated also but I am sure hoping that it is a BU roll!. My Dad used to pick them out of change in the 50's and even 60's.
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    I feel your pain. I hope they are all MS63+. I feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins Scott.image
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    Actually I'm not thinking about BU rolls, but just an actual collection from 2 generations ago. It will be interesting to see what is there. Things we now call classics that were pocket change when he collected them. We already know he collected cents as my wife got that a couple years ago, but what else is there has me intrigued. According to my MiL there is a lot of stuff in the boxes.
    Scott M

    Everything is linear if plotted log-log with a fat magic marker

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