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Change Poll

last year i didnt really follow how much i had in loose change during the year. any guesses to how much i might get this year. i would gather 1000 +$ this year. also what do you all think you might find in spare change around. this coming year. ( i figure i start now that its the new year) 4 days old im up to $23
Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3


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    JohnZJohnZ Posts: 1,732

    By the math.

    We ARE watching you.

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    My guess: $2004...

    This past year, I somehow managed to get a buffalo in change (date worn off, but still can see D mintmark) and an assortment of wheaties (first time I've ever gotten more than 1-2 in a year)... one day, I got 3 in my change at dinner-- I know the cashier so I asked him to look in the register and there were 3 more, including, to my astonishment, a 1919-D in XF!! (No 1914-D like I was hoping for, though image ).

    Last year, I got about $180 total in change so I think this take is pretty good considering... if I get anything similar this year, I'll be pleased.

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    I cash mine out 2-3 times a year at $600
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    cladkingcladking Posts: 28,454 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I look at a lot of change and convert my friends and family's change for them so
    will often get up to over $500/ month. I hate pennies but get some of them too. Of
    course I check them for varieties and will save any gems I see.
    Tempus fugit.
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    mozeppamozeppa Posts: 4,431 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I look at a lot of change and convert my friends and family's change for them so
    will often get up to over $500/ month. I hate pennies but get some of them too. Of
    course I check them for varieties and will save any gems I see. >>

    stop going thru those hated pennies and creating so much stress for yourself....send em to me!image

    edited to say please!image
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    cladkingcladking Posts: 28,454 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I look at a lot of change and convert my friends and family's change for them so
    will often get up to over $500/ month. I hate pennies but get some of them too. Of
    course I check them for varieties and will save any gems I see. >>

    stop going thru those hated pennies and creating so much stress for yourself....send em to me!image

    edited to say please!image >>

    It's not so much the pennies I hate as it is having to deal with them. If I gave
    them to you for absolutely nothing you still couldn't afford the postage and ac-
    tual cost of handling.
    Tempus fugit.

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