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New 1893 Columbian

I bought this Columbian raw about a month ago and will be sending it in this week. Any gueses on grade?


"Have a nice day!"


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    RussRuss Posts: 48,515 ✭✭✭
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    VeepVeep Posts: 1,412 ✭✭✭✭
    That one reminds me distinctly of an AU Columbian that I own. (Images attached). It might be your image, but there appears to be some wear on the hair near Columbus' cheek. I can't tell if there is wear in the center of the main sail. If its AU, its not worth sending in. Unless, of course, you just like everything in a slab.
    "Let me tell ya Bud, you can buy junk anytime!"
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    XpipedreamRXpipedreamR Posts: 8,059 ✭✭
    Veep pics:


    Also, the center of the sails is often weak, so so you have to differentiate between wear and weak strike.
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    ccexccex Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭
    I'd guess your Columbian has slight wear on the cheekbone, as so many do. Yours reminded me of one of the few coins I bought for the slab and a laugh, (just because ACG called it a "commercial 63" back in the mid-eighties). Mine is not worth submitting to a real grading service, either, but is still a lot of fun:

    "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity" - Hanlon's Razor
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    rainbowroosierainbowroosie Posts: 4,874 ✭✭✭✭
    "You keep your 1804 dollar and 1822 half eagle -- give me rainbow roosies in MS68."
    rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
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    PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,301 ✭✭✭
    I am going to guess your camera is not picking up the detail well and will say 63. Looks like a print on the reverse.
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    MS63 -- Common weak strike....
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    darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
    Of all the raw Columbians that forum members have shown over the years this is the first one that I can say with complete confidence that it is Uncirculated! But I don't think it's real high grade MS62 is my bet on the grade. The hair area that is pointed out is a normal weak strike area. Just too much frost in the fields to go AU but the light field marks also limit the grade to 62. Thanks Blackhawk I enjoyed this one! mike image
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    nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,387 ✭✭✭
    Looks like a nice AU

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