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It's interested just observing a coin shop for even 15minutes.

We had to get some paper money pages today so we stopped by JD Coins in Rochester, I don't really care for JD Coins, the prices, the people, the attitudes, I just don't like it. Anyway we were in there for 15minutes if that, this lady comes in with her husband, she's carrying an uncut sheet of 32 $2 in a tube. All she wanted for it was face value. Ofcourse the dealer rushed over to the till and took out $64 which she was very pleased with then she was out the door. She mentioned her husbands father used to work at the Treasury and gave it as a gift. The dealer opened the tube a second time and something else came out of the tube, could've been a ring, a coin anything, certainly a bonus to the already great profit. *sigh* I was so close to offering her $70 for it and getting barred from the place. Oh yea, I brought my PCGS MS66 1935 quarter just to see what he'd pay for it. "Well it only goes up to 65." That's about the point where I grabbed the slab off the desk and put it back in my pocket. Another guy bought all the state quarters released so far one of each and $1 a piece image and another lady decided to share with us that she was going to take her new '34 Peace Dollar home and "shine it up real good". hehe image


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    Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    Dealers just love these people that sell for face and buy for full-blown retail.

    I wanna be a dealer. image

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