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Question for the Lincoln Experts

Hello, I was wondering if there were any other indicators on the 09-VDB Wheaties, like other ways to see if the VDB is just worn off? Thank you!


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    Indicators of what? The coin would have to be extremely worn to make the V.D.B. entirely vanish.
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    I think you mean diagonistics.
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    Not sure, but if the coin is very worn (e.g. G04) then there is the possibility that the VDB is worn off. If the coin is in reasonable condition and there are no initials on the lower reverse then it is most likely an 09 plain. With the initials so close to the rim, there would have to be extreme wear to make them undetectable.
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    OgdenOgden Posts: 435
    Not likely to wear off the complete VDB. Is there a reason for your questions??

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    I have an 09-S in AG-G condition, it's fairly brown and I only have a 5x glass, so I'm trying to see if there is any other way to check. Just to give you an idea how worn it is, the S is barely visible to the naked eye... it's there, but it's barely there... I can't even get a scan that'll show the S...
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    ttt before it gets lost...
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    I would have to think that the coin would unidentifiable if the VDB on the reverse were worn off...I have one that is pretty slick, and the VDB is still very apparent....
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    richbeatrichbeat Posts: 2,288
    There are diagnostics for helping to determine a genuine 1909S VDB from a counterfeit one. However: 1) I don't think that you can apply them to your situation (to tell a VDB from a non-VDB), and 2) your coin might be too worn to make any difference anyway. I have a few worn 1909 VDB's, and the VDB's are well worn but are there. If you don't see a VDB, it probably wasn't there to begin with. image

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