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Coin price guide

Which is a better (more accurate-update) guide for coins prices? Greysheet or CoinWorld?

My subscription to Greysheet is about to run out and I wondered if I'd be better off using CoinWorld. I've got a friend who likes it better.

I've just got a small collection ...not a business size inventory or amount of sales - buying.



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    coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,485
    bhsalesman, I believe that overall, the CDN is a more accurate and widely used pricing guide.
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    lately, I've been finding that if I take an average of
    Greysheet, CoinValues(CoinWorld) , and PCGS Price Guide,
    I get a fairly accurate current price.
    Of course , you can check various auctions and e-Bay,
    but this is the quickest and easiest for me.
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    Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    I wonder is the graysheet reflective of prices realized on Ebay and or other online auctions?
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    SteveSteve Posts: 3,313 ✭✭✭
    I'm confused. I thought the CDN was a wholesale price guide with a bid and ask set of prices. Coin World's Coin Values and most of the other price guides represent retail pricing. All the guides are just estimates anyway. If you desire to get a fair representative current value for your PCGS or NGC graded coins, I would look to the Heritage price guide (high & low). I would also use Coin Values as a general retail and CDN as a general wholesale value guide. Steve
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    My thoughts were along the same lines as Steve's...

    Sounds like several different methods are used.

    Oh well....still undecided as to renew the Greysheet or go with CoinWorld. May do the new one just for something new.

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    jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,633 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's really hard to lock down one price guide as the right choice. There are so many factors involved with the buying and selling of coins.

    Grade of course, eye-appeal, scarcity = availability of a particular piece on any given day. That famous term "PQ" and several other factors. You basically have to have up to date knowledge of actual transactions with knowledge to an extent of the coins in question in what ever series you are inquiring about.

    I carry the greysheet at all times and use it as a " basis" for pricing, then take in to account all the above factors and more. Several people on this board including myself would love to buy certain pieces even marginally close to ask and others, I would love to get 80% of even bid price if I were selling them.

    As Mark said, I think many of the dealers use the cdn as a basis in conducting transactions, but also most are quite aware of what specific coins bring more or less that printed values.


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