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Frederick coin show report

The show was bustling with activity today. I met up with Don Merz and Tootawl and had a good time chatting and making plans for future shows. My grandson Will was along today and made his first coin purchase at a nice discount thanks to Wayne Herndon. Will spent the morning getting to know Waynes family. He had a great time.
The highlight of my day is being able to tell you about one of our forum members that forgot.................OH!, maybe I better not go there!!!!
This show is a well thought out show with plenty of business going on. Mike Dixon puts on a great show and it gets better each and every time. To those of you that are in driving distance, you're missing out!!!
Here is a picture of my grandsons first coin purchase. Thanks Wayne!!!


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    Your grandson has a good eye !!image
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    You've got your Grandson off to a good start, Ken.
    I was there for an hour or two and probably bumped into
    several forum members without knowing it .
    Maybe Dixon could set up a little "Forum Members" booth
    next show so we could check in and introduce ourselves.
    Just a thought.

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    Thats a great idea Skipper! You listening Mike???....image...Ken
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    Maybe Dixon could set up a little "Forum Members" booth
    Fall National Battlefield Coin Show is September 5-7, 2024 at the Eisenhower Hotel in Gettysburg, PA. Thanksgiving Battlefield Coin Show is November 29-30, 2024. WWW.AmericasCoinShows.com
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    merz2merz2 Posts: 2,474
    I agree it was another great show.I saw many transactions.Wayne Herndon and family was there,as was Michael Dixon and his family.I was there with my 7 year old great neice.She bought a 1927 AU Buffalo Nickel from Wayne.Thanks for the great coin Wayne.She likes them.I can't interest her in the Lincolns.image So much for my influence.image She said she had a great time.She already wants to know when the next show is.I think someone slipped her to much sugar.She hasn't stopped talking since we left.IMHO the show is growing and will continue to get better.I saw Mike handing out forms for the next show.All the dealers there seemed pleased with the turnout.I saw both circulated and MS coins being bought and sold.There seemed to be something for every type of collector.My Lincoln hat is off to Mike and all the dealers.
    Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
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    Doris and I had a good times as well. She showed restraint and did not walk out with every raw Capped Bust half in VG-8 to F. She saw quite a few. I always have a blast. Did not pick anything up this time myself. Putting together some cash for some key date proof Ikes.

    Saw Don and Cliff, missed you again Ken. A booth would be a good idea. We need a pin or something, I wont wear a name tag if I can help it. But if we had a half cool pin just sayin yer a board member, that would make it great. I'm not shy in the first place, and don't mind being wrong if I say hello to someone that turns out not to be the one I'm looking for. I have made some great friends by doing that. But some way to show we are birds of a feather would be nice.
    In Laurel

    Just a fist full of Dollars
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    How bought we get Lord Marcovan to put together some Holed Coin badges? With maybe "P.C.G.S.F." initials carved into em =D
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    Great idea, George ! Little badges that look like PCGS slabs !

    By the way, the paved parking lot was a nice touch.
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    Ok look, I don't mean to be a pain, but a holed coin pin would be real cool,

    No Badges

    We don't need no stinking badges

    A mini PCGS slab (although I love them) would be a badge.

    In Laurel

    Just a fist full of Dollars
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    wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,348 ✭✭✭
    Enjoyed talking to all. I have never seen so many kids at a show as we saw at this one. Our free goodie box was almost empty! Ken, Don, Mike (and of course us) all had little ones present and the buying public seemed to bring a lot of kids too. I bet I saw three dozen different ones between the two days.

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    merz2merz2 Posts: 2,474
    I think you are right.We are definitely doing our part to perpetuate the hobby.These children that we stroke today will be the collectors of tomorow.It is easier at a small show.IMHO
    Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
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    Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,656 ✭✭✭
    Really nice show. Busy all afternoon Saturday. Saw Don & Michael and saw the coolest 1888-o Scarface MS62 in a PCGS holder. I was sooo tempted, but the seller wanted strong money. Many dealers had BUYING signs on their tables and were openly asking for coins.

    Bought several nice coins, including possibly a new VAM in 1921-D.

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