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Another Coin Vault observation

CladiatorCladiator Posts: 17,932 ✭✭✭✭✭
Anyone else annoyed by the fact that Robert Chambers (the regular host of Shopathometv's Coin Vault) is constantly saying that when buying silver dollars, mostly Morgan and Peace, you are getting "1 solid ounce of silver" per coin? He does it for half dollars too, saying you are getting "1/2 ounce of silver" per coin. Do you think he honestly doesn't know that a silver dollar only has .77344 oz. of silver and a half dollar only has .36169 oz. of silver or do you think he is fudging the facts to sell more? No big deal I guess...I just find it bothersome and another sample of their less than ethical practices on the show.

I still love watching it for entertainment value though image


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    Other lies by this vermin include the following.

    1. When describing a $50 Gold Eagle, He said it was the "highest denomination produced by the U.S Mint". So much for the $100 Platinum Eagles. I guess he just forgot, but they offer those as well.

    2. Describing a "bankers" roll of 1964 Kennedy Halves as GEM UNC. These are common halves that most dealers sell for 4x face. They were selling them for $99.99, Most grade around 60-62. Those are NOT gems. Alot of people buy them just to invest in silver.

    3. Describing ICG graded MS70 silver eagles as the " best quality you can obtain out there, very few make it to MS70" BULL CRAP!. 40% of silver eagles make it to MS70 at ICG. ICG has the most lenient modern grading standards. If anyone disputes that, they are smoking crack.

    4. Selling NGC graded common foreign cold, such as Russian Rubles, French Roosters, Swiss francs, etc, and describing them as RARE. BULLCRAP. These foreign gold coins from the early 1900's are more common that modern gold eagles. THATS A FACT! Ask any expert on the darkside if you don't believe me.
    Swiss banks still have them in BAGS!

    There are numerous other examples, but would take up too much memory in my hard drive.
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    CladiatorCladiator Posts: 17,932 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here's another one. He is constantly saying that ASE's are "pure silver" when they are infact .9993 Fine Silver...not even .9999 like the Canadian Maples. When talking about AGE's he says they are "24kt pure gold" when they are only .916 Fine Gold...24kt being .9999 Fine Gold.
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    Thanks Cladiator:
    I am keeping a detailed log of his lies for eventual action by the ANA. I am hoping that similar hearings can be held that were held to out the ACG Hagar demons. I doubt that any of the TV show
    vermin are actually ANA members, but the consumer has to be protected against their numerous lies.
    Other federal agencies will be contacted as well to protect the consumer. My dream is to eventually
    see them outed by Dateline or 60 minutes, but I guess they have bigger fish to fry.
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    TootawlTootawl Posts: 5,877 ✭✭✭
    I think it was this guy (or another one, I can't keep them apart) that said that that 1908 St Gaudens No Motto was THE ONLY COIN in U.S. history that the design changed in the middle of the year so that the motto "In God We Trust" was added.

    Did he forget about the 1917 SLQ? That one also changed design in the middle of the year.

    PCGS Currency: HOF 2013, Best Low Ball Set 2009-2014, 2016, 2018. Appreciation Award 2015, Best Showcase 2018, Numerous others.
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    They are like used car salesmen, they make up anything for the salespitch, regardless of the truth.
    I am firmly convinced that any one of them would sell their grandmother on the open market if he thought he could get a $1 for her.
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    slothman2000slothman2000 Posts: 952 ✭✭✭
    Are You Talkin about these used car salespeople
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    Very nice. I like the horns. Very appropriate.
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    That show always makes me laugh. It's on weekdays at 4am, few hours after I get off work, so I get to watch it alot image
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    SteveSteve Posts: 3,313 ✭✭✭
    It continues to amaze me how coin knowledgeable people find a need to knock a legitimate marketing program that helps bring newbees into the hobby. Have ANYONE of you NOT been taken in this hobby when you started? You watch the show because you love coins. Stop trying to preach to the people who are NOT here. Some of those TV watchers WILL become long term collectors. JMHO. Steve
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    fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    Awe man, I slept too long. I missed my favorite Saturday morning show!

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

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    The fact that we have all been taken in as newbies does not translate to endorsing it as a rite of passage. A lot more will be driven away when they realize they got screwed than will be brought into the hobby. As people who have been down that road it is in our best interest to educate newbies and steer them away from fraud.
    Scott M

    Everything is linear if plotted log-log with a fat magic marker
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    You are 100% correct, but with the likes of Steve, the ends justify the means. You will always find defenders of vermin like Coin Vault and Littleton, because they think it brings more people to the hobby, but more collectors leave the hobby after they realize they were royally screwed.
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    With all due respect, I have spent multiple hours watching the coin vault, with Robert Chambers.

    I have never once, not once ever heard him say that a morgan or a peace dollar is one full ounce of silver.

    Yes, he has said that a SAE was one full ounce of silver, but never a morgan or peace dollar.

    At times, he is very educational, and gives good information about coin collecting, which can help the new coin collector. IMHO

    Hey, this is america, if someone wants to sell something for double its worth, they have the freedom to try.

    Just like we have the freedom to say no to their price.
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    It's called Marketing in the business!! Criminal if an individual does it, but big companies have their lawyers craft the lies to keep them out of trouble. There's no doubt SAH and Chambers are a disgrace to every honest business in the world. But someday he may Join Coast-to-Coast and hopefully sanctioned.
    PCGS sets under The Thomas Collections. Modern Commemoratives @ NGC under "One Coin at a Time". USMC Active 1966 thru 1970" The real War.
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    This would be a fitting punishment, since Coast to Coast was ejected from the ANA for selling retooled and altered coins.
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    SteveSteve Posts: 3,313 ✭✭✭
    Brian & Scott,
    One of my points is that you seem to think that by commenting on THIS board about Shop at Home's Coin Vault, that somehow the people who watch the show will not buy. Your comments are being read by people who do NOT buy at SAH. Your comments are being read by people who WATCH the Coin Vault because it is about coins and they love coins. I consider myself a person who enjoys the show and recognizes it is on the air to make money. It gives the hobby publicity and that is good. Nobody is being taken "big time". It is like any retail business. Why not buy a green monster box this week. Have fun. Steveimage
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    Is anyone here willing to sell collectable coins at a loss or for no profit?.......Just wondering. I seriously doubt that the people that buy from these idiots ever worry that they are getting "cheated".....If they put the time in to learn about the purchases, they wouldn't buy them, for investements....Or maybe just maybe they collect for the fun of it, with no worry of return on the "investment"...I am a firm believer that the buyer better beware. You'll never get rid of crooks, but education will limit your losses......
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    Here is an example of the problem with SOH and new buyers. My Mom knows that I collect coins, so for Christmas she purchased 10 Morgans as part of a Christmas Vault sale. She was so excited to give them to me, I couldn't bear to tell her that she probably overpaid. The next day I went through them, and what they advertised as "Brilliant Uncirculated GEMS" were all AU sliders, common dates (4 - 1921's!), bag marks up the kazoo - 3 with major cheek hits. I'm sorry, but no matter how you slice it, this is false advertising and fraud.

    Yes, anyone can charge double, you just do not have to pay it. If you sell an ms65 coin for twice the trend, more power to you. But when you sell a questionable AU and call it ms65 for double the 65 trend, you should be hung out to dry.
    You are doing well, subject 15837. You are a good person.
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    Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536

    << <i> I think it was this guy (or another one, I can't keep them apart) that said that that 1908 St Gaudens No Motto was THE ONLY COIN in U.S. history that the design changed in the middle of the year so that the motto "In God We Trust" was added.

    Did he forget about the 1917 SLQ? That one also changed design in the middle of the year. >>

    Sorry Tootawl but he is correct. The Saint-Gaudens 1908 Eagle and double eagle WERE the only US coins to ever have their designs changed in mid-year to add the motto In God We Trust. On the 1917 quarter they added the stars and the chain mail but not the MOTTO. You have to watch what they say closely. Their statements are carefully crafted to be accurate but to also cause the listener to infer things that aren't always true. But they don't actually say those things because they COULD get in trouble.

    For example in Wingliberty's quote

    << <i>When describing a $50 Gold Eagle, He said it was the "highest denomination produced by the U.S Mint". So much for the $100 Platinum Eagles. I guess he just forgot, but they offer those as well. >>

    If he says ""These $50 gold eagles are the highest denomination produced by the U.S Mint". then he is correct! The $100 platinum is not a gold eagle. Language and EXACT quotes are important. You may think I am ni-picking but it is precisely those little nits that let them get away with what they do.
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    airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,018 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Are You Talkin about these used car salespeople >>

    *cough* I believe that was mine image

    JK Coin Photography - eBay Consignments | High Quality Photos | LOW Prices | 20% of Consignment Proceeds Go to Pancreatic Cancer Research
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    XpipedreamRXpipedreamR Posts: 8,059 ✭✭

    << <i>Your comments are being read by people who WATCH the Coin Vault because it is about coins and they love coins. >>

    I come here because I love coins.

    I watch the Coin Vault (occasionally) because I know enough about coins to enjoy the absurdity of the show.
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    What annoys me about the coin vault show is when he talks about the NGC grade on the holder, he yells out "THE GRADE ON THE HOLDER IS A DONE DEAL, THERE ARE NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT, ITS A DONE DEAL". that is so mis-leading.
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    cladkingcladking Posts: 28,454 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You have to watch what they say closely. Their statements are carefully crafted to be accurate but to also cause the listener to infer things that aren't always true. But they don't actually say those things because they COULD get in trouble.

    I watch the show for entertainment (often with the sound down). It doesn't especially bother me
    that they grossly overcharge most of the time. They do have high overhead and it's obvious they
    can't make money selling at bid. Many times these prices aren't so much outrageous as merely
    higher than what we're used to. While overgrading may be a problem at times, it apparently is not
    their typical M.O.

    It does concern me that they often will misstate reality and sometimes for their own benefit. Whether
    such misstatements are often inadvertant or not seems to me to be irrelevant. Much of their real val-
    ue is as an educational nature and inaccuracies and less than factual statements detracts a great deal
    from this. One of their competitors actually managed to make about twenty consecutive statements
    which were wrong. Some seemed to be outright lies and others missed the facts by narrow or wide margins.
    Tempus fugit.

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