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nickel varietie question

Right now there are two nickels listed on e-bay as 1955 tdr fs-035, One with a starting bid of $1,999 and no bids and the other at I believe $125 and a buy it now of $145 also with no bids. Both of these coins are in ngc pf68 holders. There are only 44 of these graded by ngc at this level. My question is how can one person sell the exact same thing for about 7.5% of the other? Joe


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    sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    I doesn't sound like either has sold yet - possibly the $150 is way low and the $2K is market value (doubt it)

    Maybe they are both higher than should be - but do not know themselves

    There is no rule against trying to sell a $25 coin with a starting bid of $150 or $2000
    (not that I am saying these are $25 coins - I do not know)
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    cherrypickers' shows it at $250 in pf65 so I guess the right price is somewhare in the middle. It just seemed strange to see such a price spread.
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    They are not that scarce. I bought one in PF 67 for a little under $100. I did see one in Cameo go for pretty big bucks though...

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