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This guy must be the $950 guy's relative

You think the $950 guy is bad? Check this outClick here-what's HE doing on ebay You would think ebay would shut this guy down to protect their patrons! He makes the guy selling the 1982 Washington Commemorative,a $10 piece for $950, look like an angel! Ebay needs to protect innocent people from this guy. Why is he still in business?


  • TassaTassa Posts: 2,373 ✭✭
    At first I wondered why you had posted so many threads about this one seller over a short amount of time but then I realized that you had posted them to different forums.

  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Tassa, Happy New Year. It was posted in the open forum as a warning with a question to go along with it. When I saw this other thread about some guy asking $950 for a 1982 Washington Half Dollar Commemorative -I thought this just might go hand in hand with it. The question being, why does ebay permit someone with such terrible feedback to continue to sell ? Is this not being negligent in protecting your patrons? Where should the line be drawn? Is it because he lists so many items which,of course, translates to MONEY? Does this not make ebay therefore, culpable to some extent?

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