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How about an all inclusive forum awards for 2003 thread ? - cast your votes (as many or as few as yo

Suggested categories (but please, feel free to add your own) are:

Funniest post and/or thread?

Most off topic post and/or thread?

Best poster?

Worst poster?

Most mediocre poster?

Most informative post and/or thread?

Best flame post and/or thread?

Worst flame post and/or thread?

Best image?

Worst image?

Most boring post and/or thread? (Please no votes for this particular thread of mineimage )

Newcomer/rookie of the year?

MVP poster?

L(least)VP poster?

Cast your votes for as many categories as you like, folks and again, happy holidays to each of you. image


  • Best poster:

    Mark Feld of Pinnacle Rarities

    ANA Member R-213302
  • To many choices, need a poll...

    I'll go most informative..could be a series of posts..

  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    Best Photographer: Shylock
    Funniest Post: Clankeye's stories
    Best Non-Dealer Website by a member:Shylock again

    Sorry Mark I already voted. image
  • Russ and the 1963 Lincoln for year ender award!


    Millions on WELFARE depend on you!
  • CaptainRonCaptainRon Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
    Just about any of the "Good morning class" threads for most funny.

    Most Boring post - Any dealing with Ultra White Hot Nova markets blabberings.

    Best Pic - The one that I still remember seeing for the first time that really caught me was Relayers (I believe it was his) picture of his Toned Proof IHC. There may have been nicer pics since or before, but that was the first I saw, and it really left a strong desire for me to start collecting IHC.

    Thanks Relayer
  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Best Freebie Given away: Mark Fled and the Pinnacle Pens!
    Biggest Forum PITA: Cammy
    Biggest Scores of the year: #1 Me, #2 Russ, #3 Don
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • Best Photographer:

    ANA Member R-213302
  • clw54clw54 Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭
    CopperCoins should be considered for a Best Non-Dealer Website award.
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,421 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Best All Around Photos


    Friendly and Helpful

    The World Forum Folks

    Best Group of Collectors

    Hands Down the Merc folks on the Registry Board.

    Funniest Poster


    Most Informative Poster.

    Mark with his coin comparisions and comments.

    Most Worthless

    The Red Pepper Guy on the Registry Forumn and then he tried here but got Banned ASAP

    MV Poster

    I believe All that contribute should be MVP's
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    Most notorious thread: Toss up between Jadecoin and "Baron" Yuen
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • I'll second Darhorse for Best Photographer!
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Biggest Scores of the year: #1 Me, #2 Russ, #3 Don >>


    As usual, you screwed it up. image Don is #2. His '66 SMS Kennedy in MS68DCAM trumps my Accented Hair in PR68DCAM.

    Russ, NCNE
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    My overall "best thread" award would go to Clankeye

    My "best educational" award would go to you, Mark. With Russ and Coppercoins with honorable mention.

    My "best pictures" would go to coppercoins

  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Suggested categories (but please, feel free to add your own) are:

    I will stick to the more positive awards...

    Funniest poster:


    Best poster?


    Most informative post and/or thread?

    FC57 Franklin educational series

    Best flame post and/or thread?

    Tie: Done deal thread & Matter of ethics thread

    Worst flame post and/or thread?

    Any thread that flames Legend/Laura image

    Best images?

    Pinnacle, FC57, Russ

    MVP poster?


    Most generous member?

    Tie: LucyBop and airplanenut

    Most likey to strike gold?


    Most influential to me as a collector?


    Most likely to get a coin that I really, really want?

    Tie: FatMan and Coinlieutenant

    Most likely to get me to wish I collected something else?

    RKKay and Boiler78

    Special appreciation award:

    All dealer participants and all collectors who are genuinely willing to help other collectors. image

    Happy New Year, Everyone!
  • RGLRGL Posts: 3,784
    Best Come Uppance to Trolls: Russ

    Humanitarian of the Year: Jeremy

    Entertainers of the Year: Clankeye and Lucy

    Most Collegial Competitors: Proof Jeff Gang

    Keep You Thinking Award: Al

    Most Scholarly: CD

    Knows It All Award (SMS Division): Don

    Customer Communication Award: homerunhall

    Pow, Right in the Frankies Award: Violence-minded little, little men (using the term loosely ... you know who you are)

    Good Humor Awards: Ken and Marty

    Best/Most Insightful Dealer Member: Mark

    Most Valuable Numismatists: All Forum members who share their knowledge and wit in an honest and kind spirit -- they are many.

    A Happy New Year to all -- thank you for all you have taught me in the year ending ...
  • BEST SLAPDOWN AWARD ~ this special, most cherished award is given to an outstanding individual who put another forum member rightfully in their place ~ this award can only be earned by one who has gone beyond the call of duty to argue a point tirelessly until all other members have added their two cents worth as well (I had to do it) and proven someone either a liar, a phoney, or just plain old suffering from that ages old disease, cranial-anal inversion syndrome. I nominate Russ from his flambé of user, cointoast (by user, I mean forum user) on threads: Link1 Link2
  • For Least Valuable Poster, I vote for RAYMAC ~ (he, she, undecided, or it) took part in three posts which resulted in one stupid question, one stupid comment, and one helluva drama laden non-factual tirade about a subject that (he, she, undecided, or it) knows absolutely nothing about. See post: Link on (get it?) I would also nominate RAYMAC (he, she, undecided, or it) for the Post to Discredit PCGS that Backfired the Worst award based on this post. This user ID by someone who was probably suspended under another user name at least once, deserves some sort of recognition for their efforts.

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