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Tassa's most excellent SCORE BABY!!!

Tassa and I sent in an order together - her scores are major league great - my coins were for the most part fillers that I just wanted graded - but hers are MAJOR! image

1 21399509 1916 5C USA MS64 - Mine - PCI green lable crackout - OK
2 21399513 1953 50C USA MS64FL - Tassa - good score
2 21399510 1953 50C USA MS65FL - Tassa - Woggabuns!!!!
2 21399511 1953 50C USA MS64FL - Tassa - Kewl Beans!
2 21399512 1953 50C USA MS65FL - Fuchycapesta!!! Merry Late Christmas!!
3 21399514 1960 50C USA MS64FL - Mine - figured maybe an MS65FBL Oh well
4 21399515 1964 50C USA MS65 - Toned Kennedy - didn't care about the grade
4 21399516 1964 50C USA MS64 - ditto above

Congrats to Tassa on a major hit! image


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