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Higher grade, common date or Lower grade, better date



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    JohnZJohnZ Posts: 1,732
    It's probably not a fake, but wallstreetman is right. The date's been cleaned.

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    You would think so... who knows, I quite possibly could be wrong. All I know is, I personally wouldn't bid on it because the feather position tells me this coin was made during/after 1886.
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    JohnZJohnZ Posts: 1,732
    ...the feather position tells me this coin was made during/after 1886.

    I can't see that from the photo. At any rate, if the coin is real, it's an almost respectable coin for someone looking to fill a hole in a date set on a modest budget.

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    Fair enough... I would pay $60 for a genuine 1877 in that condition. As for the authenticity, that question is best left to the person with the coin in hand. Wallstreetman, if you're 100% convinced it's the real deal, you're in a better position to be correct than I. I certainly do not mean to offend by raising a question about the coin; only trying to help out based on the information I'm able to glean about the coin from the image that appears on my screen...
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    To get this thread back on topic, I would go for the key dates in low grade, personally...

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