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Talk about a no frills auction ..

Wonder if the seller is -
Trolling for feedback ?
Making a profit shipping item via regular mail (check page 10 of other auctions) ?
Just feeling froggy on free listing day ?
All of the above ?Link


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    He's making a killing on the shipping.

    imageimageSee ya on the other side, Dudes. image
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    Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    watch em send a worn `44 D to ya.
    why it would almost be worth two cents I imagine.

    the bubble wrap mailer is over 400X more vaulable than the Wheatie they send probably.

    maybe you,ll get lucky and find a nice `14 D or `31 S huh. image
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    Or a MS70 1909-s VDB

    I'd then proceed to buy their entire inventory,fed-exed overnight and delivered in a limo.

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