FS Jefferson 5c- Marks on Steps
in Q & A Forum
I have questions about PCGS policy regarding attribution of Jefferson nickels as FS when bagmarks/planchet abrasions are present on the steps. Suppose a coin has 6 sharp steps but has a small (poststriking) bagmark impacting only 6th step- would it be attributed FS? What if 6 sharp steps were present when coin was struck but a tiny (poststrike) bagmark crosses the 5th and 6th steps? What if 5+ sharp steps are present but small bagmark impacts 5th step under 2nd pillar? What if 5 sharp steps are visible but coin has a bagmark impacting 2nd and 3rd steps? With the same scenarios,would your answers be different assuming (prestrike) planchet abrasion? ( Note: term "sharp steps" is probably not accurate when planchet abrasions are present.)
On a related subject, will PCGS ever begin to attribute FS 5c as 5-step vs 6-step? Thanks.
On a related subject, will PCGS ever begin to attribute FS 5c as 5-step vs 6-step? Thanks.
It seems to me that if a mark is that small it won't preclude a coin being full step.
As for 6 steps vs 5 steps, we have had a few people ask about 6 steps. it seems to me that the market works pretty well as is and 5 steps is accepted by most collectors. That said, we of course always listen to our customers and try to do what is in the best interest on collectors.