OT? Not really.

When I tried to obtain Krause numbers for my Sao Tome & Principe coins I discovered they had left the country completely out of the book!
Since I was (a) holding one of their coins in my hand, and (b) had contacted fellow amateur radio operators there, I knew there really was such a country, so I engaged in a little internet research, in the course of which I discovered that our own CIA has a website that every world coin collector should have bookmarked. It has tons of information about the countries of the world.

Since I was (a) holding one of their coins in my hand, and (b) had contacted fellow amateur radio operators there, I knew there really was such a country, so I engaged in a little internet research, in the course of which I discovered that our own CIA has a website that every world coin collector should have bookmarked. It has tons of information about the countries of the world.

S.T. & Principe shipcoin
This guy enclosed alsoa data about that country... but unfortunatelly only in Russian
I know it's in the older books. Which coins are you looking for? I'll give you #s if I can.
Plus, we'll probably be hearing more of Sao Tome in the next couple years.. some folks are thinking they'll become the Kuwait of Africa with upcoming oil development...
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too shabby either. But I love the CIA link
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"Everything I have is for sale except for my wife and my dog....and I'm not sure about one of them."
<< <i>You looked under "St. Thomas.." too, right? >>
I think I put up that CIA link a couple weeks ago on another forum. It's been around forever. It's really helped me to decide which countries NOT to conquer.
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