Good Day all...Hello David I 'd like to ask your opinion concerning the above captioned. It seems that the older Green labeled slabs are treasure-gems in the rough! They seem to have been graded more strictly and afford the greatest possibility of upgrade......Input please! As always, Thanks-Respectfully, Warren-aka-Boom
I've seen a lot of "old green holders." Some of the coins look like they have a shot at upgrading and some look loosely graded to me. The majority of them look OK. Don't make the assumption that a coin in an old holder is possibly an upgrade. The fact is that upgrades and crack-outs are part of the marketplace taking care of itself. Since grading can be subjective, there's always a few liner coins that are possible upgrades. But bear in mind that the dealers are pretty efficient and most old holder coins that have upgrade potential have already been cracked and tried.
The three biggest lies in the certified coin market;
1. I've only sent it to PCGS once.
2. It looks undergraded to me, I just didn't have the time to crack it out and send it in.
And of course, as always,
3. The check's in the mail.
Just buy the coins you like and don't obssess on the age of the holder.
The three biggest lies in the certified coin market;
1. I've only sent it to PCGS once.
2. It looks undergraded to me, I just didn't have the time to crack it out and send it in.
And of course, as always,
3. The check's in the mail.
Just buy the coins you like and don't obssess on the age of the holder.