Resigtry Sets from the Past?

in Q & A Forum
Dave in light of a few recent posts on the Registry Forum I decided to post THIS POST to see how everyone felt about sets from the past being posted in the registry. Do you have any comments you would like to add? Do you see PCGS changing any policy on posting these sets from the past?


Thanks for the link. I think we should definitely reconsider the use of "assumed grades." I'll have BJ send out a survey and if everyone agrees, we'll stop doing it. Just realize you will then have no way of comparing your set to the Eliasberg set.
I think the "estimated grades' need to stay. The only way we could continue the Registry and not be able to list the great collections of the past would be to eliminate the "All Time Finest" list part. We certainly couldn't call a $20 Liberty set, for example, the "All-Time Finest" without comparing it to the Browning, Bass, and Eliasberg sets. That would be plain deceptive and just not right. Now if everyone wants to ban the great sets of the past, I guess we could do that and have a section called, "Finest sets put together and registered since 2000." But we certainly couldn't have an "All Time Finest" section.
We'll send out a survey about the "assumed grades" and we'll stop using them if it gives everyone such a big heartburn.
I have one last comment. Louis Eliasberg and many of the great collectors of the past in general had relatively mixed quality sets. Most collectors didn't look at coins the way we do today...the big exception of course is JM and John Clapp, those two make me believe in time travel. Any serious collector of ttoday will eventually pass Eliasberg. For example, both the Stewart Blay and Law collection of Barber dimes are better than Eliasberg's. Both the Dr. Steven Duckor and Dr. Thain Price Barber half sets are better than Eliasberg's, and Dr. Peter Shireman is about to catch and pass Eliasberg. And TDN Trade dollars are certainly nicer than Eliasberg's or anybody else's. I don't see why someone wouldn't want to have Eliasberg's coins listed so they could then pass him. I would imagine passing Eliasberg would add value to your set, as in "Better than Eliasberg."
Anyway, we'll leave the Estimated grades in and rethink the use of the assumed grades.