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Grading Contest

MarkMark Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭✭✭

I think your grading contest is an excellent idea--as you want, I bet a lot of people will have a lot of fun with it.

I have a related question: There are some of us who likely will not attend any of the shows at which you will hold your contest. Because you will use a different set of coins at each show, might it be possible for you to post pictures of the coins on the PCGS website after the show and let us non-attendees try to guess...opps, I mean determine the grades? We could then click to another page to see the actual PCGS grades and see how we did. We wouldn't be involved in the official contest but I think it sure would be fun to try to grade the coins the contestants see. Plus it probably will be another lesson in the fact that grading coins from pictures on the Internet is virtually impossible.

Which ever way your answer goes, thanks in advance for thinking about it.



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