surfing time

almost everyone has a different idea of what is the best time to close an auction..but given the popularity of sniping services it seems like its a little irrelevant what closing time a desirable item closes at.
what time do you guys surf on ebay?
i have a computer at work and while sometimes it gets insane (like this week) sometimes i have a lot of down time... so i do most of surfing from work, at home i do my regular searches but hardly ever any searches for ramdom cards like auto's and such things.
weekends are usually not a good time since i could be busy or away from a PC ...and friday we always go out for dinner.
so i do most of my surfing and bidding mon-thur when i am bored at work.
what time do you guys surf on ebay?
i have a computer at work and while sometimes it gets insane (like this week) sometimes i have a lot of down time... so i do most of surfing from work, at home i do my regular searches but hardly ever any searches for ramdom cards like auto's and such things.
weekends are usually not a good time since i could be busy or away from a PC ...and friday we always go out for dinner.
so i do most of my surfing and bidding mon-thur when i am bored at work.
"Women should be obscene and not heard. "
Groucho Marx
Groucho Marx
Since I'm in the military, surfing ebay at work isn't an option...base leadership has ordered ebay blocked. Also, I don't have my own computer, so I do my computer stuff from either the base's library, or a local internet cafe (at $1.50 per hour, which is pretty reasonable I think, although it sure as heck adds up after a while).
I do plan on getting my own computer within the next 6 months or so, so that will perhaps make things a little easier, and I haven't yet decided on subscribing to a sniping service.
I will be happy to purchase your seau's off of you to help you finance that new computer,
Very nice try
But seriously...I do have somewhere around 500 raw duplicates, and a couple of PSA 9 duplicate rookies that I might be interested in getting rid of! PM me if you're interested
It still ticks me off that the Chargers dumped Junior the way they did
To me, Junior's the #2 Charger of all time, after Dan Fouts.
You should've been here to see the mayhem. I too was not happy to see Seau let go the way he was... and then to have them stomp on us a few weeks ago... not a good feeling. We keep getting worse and worse. I'd like to put my faith in LT, but I have a bad feeling he'll want to leave us or suffer the same fate as Barry Sanders and just get tired of playing for losers.
And as for the post here- I've heard and read that having your auction end on Sunday b/w 5-9pm PST is the best (and have it run as a 7 day auction). You get exposure over 2 weekends and that's also when most people are on the net.
Lord knows I would love to get into it with a Chiefs fan, since some of our best games over the years were against KC
It pains me greatly to say this, but I think you're right.....I'm expecting the worst this weekend
Now please back to the subject, and as a Native Southern Californian, I guess I can say this...Surf's Up!
I have a friend who says the Chargers are going to put it all together this weekend and play our best game of the year... however, I believe he's on medication so I don't think there's much truth to what he said...
Sports life as a San Diegan is quite sad... Padres have a 14 yr cycle to the World Series (though we still need to actually WIN a game..). the latest sniff of the Super Bowl the Chargers have had was last year when it was played here... my beloved Clippers have since left for the land of LA.. the college teams provide some interesting storylines every now and then... I guess when you have weather like we do, there's too much else to get involved in so you don't get the die hard fans as you do elsewhere across the country.
I remember living in the east coast and Chicago - and during the winter months, man, all you have is football and then basketball to watch on TV while you're all bundled up inside.. sure don't miss those days!
As far as surfing, I think more people do it during the day because they have a high speed connection at work, but not at home.
Once you surf at hi-speed, the home phone line connection will get you cussin'!