Visit pittbreeder on ebay-(Boom's page) and pick up some of these oddballs for charity
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Go to my page-pittbreeder- on ebay and read about this Charity and to whom I give the credit. The account will be set up this week at Bank1One and named something like ,"Caring Numismatists for Christmas" Charity and the books will be wide open! If anyone wants to help run this thing you're more than welcome to do so! It WILL go ahead one way or another! How the funds are allocated will also be divulged! All that purchase/ donate or help in any way will be publicly acknowledged ! It's NOT charity from Boom -it's Charity from ALL OF US within the Numismatic Community,starting right now with this lot of trinkets...spreading to what I usually list and specialize in... CERTIFIED Washington Quarters and finally, as soon as I get the picture taken as I do not yet own a digital camera-the Grab Bag item I have proposed! I have done all I am able to convince you that I and this are legitimate. What you do or not do is strictly your choice but as a part of the Numismatic Community and PCGS, if you read the items' descriptions, you will see to whom I give the credit...YOU -whether you help or not! The very first people I want to publicly acknowledge for their generosity is the Hernandez family -Nalamolly5 for their donation of coins and their order for a bag! N O B O D Y nor A N Y T H I N G will deter me, so search "seller" pittbreeder and see for yourselves. I am through is now time to put up or shut -STARTING WITH ME -Warren C. Segura 2016 West Old Spanish Trail New Iberia, La 70560 Let's get it on!
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