Cleaned coins

in Q & A Forum
I often see very old and quite valuable gold coins that have been graded without it being noted that they had been cleaned on the slab. A case in point was a rare 1911d $10. Indian graded AU55. The coin was somewhat toned suggesting that the cleaning had taken place a long time in the past. And the cleaning was rather difficult to detect: the hairlines were very fine and did not reflect light readily. It required viewing on edge to the eye with a single light source and a high quality loupe. What are the chances the cleaning had been missed by the grader and would the coin have been downgraded had it been detected? Also, would it be less saleable in it's cleaned state.
From the outset, PCGS has always followed the market, i.e. we provide the service of grading as consistently as possible to market acceptable standards. I used to call it "Following the money" in the old days. What will a dealer pay for a very lightly cleaned...almost as much as he'd pay for an uncleaned coin. What will a dealer pay for a harshly cleaned coin...hardly anything.