Those who attacked me were later told through private email ,specifically-"Russ"and Mr. Cameron Kiefer(OUTSTANDING YOUNG NUMISMATIST-2002)...the ones who slandered me the most,were given the information they so desperately sought....The name of the specific charity !They were even asked to share that information with the rest of you, as for a few days I was denied access to these Boards and was unable to tell you myself. Perhaps it's just as well because nothing I could have said would have satisfied all the people that have been scammed long before I was a member here! They were supposed to tell you all, yet I have hunted everywhere and have not found this information posted anywhere! Frankly, I don't know what to think about that. I can understand people being irate because they have been taken advantage of before, but I DO NOT understand the vicious attack and pure hatred shown towards me! I harbor no ill feelings towards anyone because if I did...every day that goes by would be like being made to re-live that horrible experience,but since none of them were man enough to give out that information they so desperately wanted and was given...I now will and then I have nothing more to say about this issue...I belong to the Knights of Columbus Council #12997...so does my best friend,Mark, of some 44 years. And yes Razorface this council is real , just as everything else I said was real. Each Christmas we have always performed charitable acts anonymously because it feels better that way rather than to make a big show of it all...it kind of feels the same as forgiving those who have hurt you! I will still do my thing no matter what anyone thinks or says! How foolish of me to assume that everyone would understand. Just as manofcoins told Cameron,if a person does a good deed and gives from the heart and somehow gets cheated...he STILL has performed a good deed! It's the con man who will ultimately pay for using God's Name to steal. That is what hurt me the most...the constant,seemingly never ending barrage of insults hurled at me posted everywhere that has "mysteriously" disappeared!!! Well..it's over and done with but I want everyone to know the truth and since I'm not running away and since these gentlemen wouldn't tell you, I had to come back one more time at the risk of another attack, TO TELL YOU ALL MYSELF! Just forget about it and let it die right here/right now! With all due respect.....Boom Russ..I believe you were first, followed by you-Razorface 1027 and then you,Mr."Good Guy" -kieferscoins...so if you're ready to line up and start with the remarks all over again...by all means, be my guest...