PCGS tours

in Q & A Forum
I havn't been out to California in a long time, but I was wondering if PCGS headquarters gave tours of the grading facilities and how they grade? I would love to see the grading rooms or the machines that fuse the slabs together. I'm sure that there is a vast # of security concerns if you give tours. Do you give tours and if not are you planning something like a tour. I'm sure there are a great # of us that would take advantage to take a tour if PCGS offered them. What do you think?
Enthusiastically yours,
Paul B. Gunsallus
Enthusiastically yours,
Paul B. Gunsallus
Later, Paul.
in the early days we used to give tours. in 1988, one of the dealers that took the tour subsequently counterfeited PCGS holders and slabbed inferior coins to sell to the unsuspecting. That plus security concerns is why we don't do tours.