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Updated with pictures-Coin dealer policy on cleaned coins



  • I agree with Michael who agrees with Dog97. The hairlines in the fields do sound like cleaning. I am not sure PCGS made a mistake and I'd try to resolve the issue with the dealer rather than sending it in again.

    << <i>I noticed that in certain light there were some hairlines on the coin >>

    << <i>Plain & simple; if you wanted a $500 34D in a PCGS slab then you should have bought a $500 34D already in a PCGS slab. >>

  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,419 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It looks like this boils down to you better know what you are doing before you plunk down $500.00 for a coin. Please do not take this as a knock on your buying habits. Heck its just the plain truth. Unless some arrangement was made with the dealer before the purchase it appears that a return is out of the question. The dealer seems to not want your business any more. Find a new one and build a relation with him/her.

    Sorry this happened to you but I believe this same problem has happened to each person here.

  • LouisCampLouisCamp Posts: 468 ✭✭✭
    I am a small dealer. I would of given $500 credit for future purchases. If you are an active buyer I aslo would of refunded your money if you wanted. It all depends on the amount of time involved. More than 3 months credit only.

    Just my policy.

    ANA Life-Member
  • Thanks for all your comments. I appreciate people expressing their thoughts. This is a great forum. Try getting advice about tropical fish on a fish forum? Fahgetaboutit.
    When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse

  • << <i>

    << <i>I think you should get the benefit of the doubt and get a refund. However, always make sure the return policy and grading policy is understood up front before making a purchase. I wanted to chime in here to give a small plug to Rare Coins of New Hampshire. They GUARANTEE that their raw coins will be slabbed by PCGS as they advertise. I have slabbed two of their raw coins that I have purchased from them in the past, and one graded AU50 (they said AU), and the other graded G06 (they said G). Most large reputable dealers will take care of any problems for you. It's the smaller ones that can be questionable. >>

    Do they sell on line or ebay? New Hampshire is a little out of the way. >>

    This is as good a piece of advice as you can get. I buy Coins from RCNH from their website and over the phone. If I get something I feel is not up to par (never has happened), I can send it back for a full. prompt and courteous refund. If you want to buy raw coins - that is the place to get them.

    800-225-7264, ask for Jon Rosenthal.
    "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did, as opposed to screaming in terror like his passengers."
  • Yes, this is a very good way to buy rare coins. Dick Osburn of Dick Osburn Rare Coins also guarantees his raw coins will slab as graded. And, he gives you plenty of time to send the coins for grading. His website is: www.dickosburn.com
    Go well.
  • I took the coins in and the dealer's given me a store credit for what I paid which is very generous and why I will be a loyal customer. His name is Sal Falcone, and if you ever see him at a west coast coin show, you can trust him.
    When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse
  • I like happy endings, glad it worked outimage

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