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$25.00 Grab Bags for Christmas Charities-BOOM

1present; OK everybody ...let's remember what Christmas is all about! The Spirit of Giving and Love! Let us think of the less fortunate that do not have rooves over their heads-the folks that are shut in and have no one ! There is nothing so sad as being alone for Christmas or a child that has no gift at all for Christmas! It really does feel good way down deep inside, to give and to see someone smile or tears of joy fill their eyes because someone cared just a little on this most special of days! We all think NOTHING of spending hundreds , thousands and even hundred of thousands on our beloved coins...our "Registry Sets" Well here's an open challenge to not only buy some grab bags for $25.00 postpaid, but to supply some of those lesser coins that you're no longer interested in or even cash donations to make this happen! IT"S ALMOST CHRISTMAS ALREADY...so here's the deal! If you are going to commit in any of the aforementione categories let me know how ASAP as I ,my wife ,my best friend and his wife intend to make this happen, For the lonely elderly meals will be brought to them -some eveninvited to our homes for Christmas.Children that have no way of even knowing the magic of Christmas will...IF I HAVE TO DO IT ALL BY MYSELF! I'm asking each and every one of you to PM me or email me at warren54@eatel.net and tell me just what it is YOU can commit to. We have to have all pledges by the 5th of December so that all the bags can be hand sewn, coins split up evenly and sold and in some cases, food purchased for the REAL poor out there so that if but for one day...all will be right in the world because we gave it our best! Commit in one way or another as there will be much work to do for a handful of people! I'm NOT afraid or ashamed to say His Name....GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!image ALL donations appreciated whether it's an order for grab bags,your extra coins or even cash to buy food for the hungry.Let us always remember the true meaning of Chritmasand strive to keep it all year long! Thank you...Boom (warren54@eatel.net)


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