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AU58 crossovers

sadysta1sadysta1 Posts: 1,311 ✭✭✭
Is there any chance that a coin graded AU58 can cross to PCGS as MS60+ grade? The reason for this question is; if I remember it correctly; that the graders see the current grade of the coin that is about to be crossed and may be looking for alleged rub and not cross the coin above 58. On the other hand I cracked NGC AU58 coin and it got certified MS63 by PCGS so I know how subjective AU58 can be.


  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    It is possible for a coin to go up in crossover, but I believe that is a rare occurence.

    The most subjective grading line is the line between AU58 and MS62/63. It's often a matter of when exactly does minor "rub" end and actual "wear" begin. It doesn't surprise me at all that coins can be 58 one day and 62 the next. I've done it personally myself...looked at a coin in an auction on Thursday and wrote 62 in my catalog, bought the coin, looked at it on Saturday and thought it was a clear 58. It's the most subjective area of the grading scale.


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