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looking for all spx basketball auto/jersey/rcs

looking for all spx rcs(jerseys, autos, or just rcs) from 98-99 to present......will trade gu'd, autos, rcs for them.......will also buy or trade BRAND NEW Xbox or PS2 games for them including madden 04, tiger 04, live 04, espn 2k4, tony hawk underground, wwe smackdown here comes the pain, ssx3, etc......also got tons of dvds i can trade as well.....just lmk what you've got.....thanks!
Refs: kobecollector, phillyfan36, mrhoopie, jrccrum, scoutdawg, goodforshoe, azianphenom, baljitgill, keithmcm, battier, tomkat, rainman, itsjustme, aucollector, vckid15, bbtt123, cardnyou, chayne2



  • i wonder whos interested in wwe smackdown here comes the pain??image lmk thanx, i sent ya an offer
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
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