why do ebayers smoke crack and send you ridiculous offers?
Posts: 1,001
i currently have a carmelo finest redemption up for sale- bv= 100, past 3-4 i've sold have ended at 50+. some ebayer who shall remain nameless emails me and says "i'll give you $25." ok buddy and i have a nice mansion for you...it's located in a swamp.
REFS: cardnyou, TrFstPtch, Itsjustme, Judgement, QyntelWoods24, RANDYMOSS84, Viking, netfan5, kobefan
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I bought a lot of stuff that way and I'm sure there are a lot of others on this board who have done the same thing.
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i do it all the time
heck, i had a 98-99 sp authentic Iverson sott gold auto i sold on ebay and got 208 for it when i let the auction run and then AirJordan231MJ offered some guy like 100 bucks to a guy who had it on ebay and got it