Abbreviation confusion

OK, I admit it! The shorthand around here is confusing me; at the risk of seeming reeeaaalllyy stupid, could someone compile a list of all the terms you guys shorten up, like SSP, LOL, etc. There's got to be 30 to 40 of them and I don't like being in the dark, well, I do, but you know what I mean.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
SSP is a bit of a "local dialect"
New coins listed monthly!
Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
<< <i>Since we're all opening up and admitting ignorance - what is a "Dammit Boy"? >>
I've often wondered the same thing.
On that same note, until just recently, I thought DPOTD stood for "Dumb Post of the Day" but then I found out it was a good thing.
New coins listed monthly!
Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
Come on over ... to The Dark Side!