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Need some ID help

Can a forum member help me with this copper/bronze coin ID. The coin is about ¾" in diameter.


"Have a nice day!"


  • The design resembles the 2 maravedis form Spain minted from 1598 through 1620. But it is not quite right either on the reverse or the obverse. I'll do some more looking - but that one has me stumped.
    knowledge ........ share it
  • BlackhawkBlackhawk Posts: 3,899 ✭✭✭
    "Have a nice day!"
  • Interesting you should post one of THESE coins-- I had one just like it for years (much more worn though)and could not identify it. I finally
    ascertained/guessed it was a 1575-1621 or so copper coin of the Spanish Netherlands-- a lot of provences struck coppers during that period. I ended up selling it on ebay for about $12 or so.
  • BlackhawkBlackhawk Posts: 3,899 ✭✭✭

    With direction from you, I found one of the legends "Dominus Mihi Adiutor" in a site online. It says the legend was used on Spanish Netherlands coins. Further online searching however, yielded nothing, but at least I've got a place to start.
    "Have a nice day!"
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