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this really sucks

i bought a small variety box today and pulled a fleer genuine yao ming redemption card $40 and it expired september 1stimage


  • don't worry, i redeemed mine when the product first came out, and i still havent recieved it. save your postage.
  • im not gonna send it in ive tried that with others before just not with good ones and you dont get them back oh well they were cheap $4 boxes
  • jeez... that does suck...


    REFS: cardnyou, TrFstPtch, Itsjustme, Judgement, QyntelWoods24, RANDYMOSS84, Viking, netfan5, kobefan

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  • you might want to try and send it in...i had a similar situation a few years ago (2-3) and sent it in even though it expired...topps ended up honoring it. i figured postage was worth it...worse case scenario- you don't get anything- best case scenario- you get the auto
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    Send it in. I called Fleer about the 2002-03 Genuine Upside rookie redemptions I got earlier this month. The customer service rep. said to send them in.

    Reap the whirlwind.

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