My Britannias (supersized images)

Yesterday in the mail I found a bunch of Britannias from a board member. For the coins it was my task to image them to the best of my abilities for this person's website and presumably eBay auctions as well.

I hope he's happy with them.

I hope he's happy with them.

is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
You want how much?!!
(Last update 3/6/2007)
I suddenly remembered I had lamps I used for my old drafting table around in a box somewhere and using those I set up a mini studio and made the lights attack the coin at two different angles. This gave me ample light to work with. But the next challenge was the camera- it reflects on the surface of the coin along with my fingers sometimes. To beat this I made a black card with a hole in it for the lens and a white card with a hole in it. Using the black card worked great for proof coins but on the glossy surface of the 2001 and 2003 it was a big black mess so I used the white card and got some good results but you have to play with the darkness of the lens in such a manner that it's not so apparent that it is the reflection of the lens.
Come on over ... to The Dark Side!
1999 Silver Britannia (my personal favorite!)
Silver Eagle Coin Company Website
Silver Chinese Pandas, Canadian Maple Leafs, Australian Kookaburras, Mexican Libertads, and Austrian Philharmonics NOW AVAILABLE at Excellent Prices!